Panchayat Seva
- To digitalize the “Gram Panchayat Administration and Management” system
- Enables Top to Bottom Transparency and Accountability
- Property/House Tax Management System
- Geo Tag & Digital Door Number to all the Houses/Assets in the Panchayat
- A Citizen Database to Identify True GOVT Scheme beneficiaries

Gram Panchayat Geo Map
- All the Panchayat Assets like Houses, Factories, Shops etc. Assets will be located in the Geo Maps
- Each Panchayat Asset/Property will have a Geo-Tag, Digital Door Number
- Digital Door Number like UP121212#123 (State, District, Mandal, Panchayat & House Assessment Number)
- Asset tag can be used by Police Department, Postal Department, Delivery Services etc.
- Digital Door Number will be address for all the assets in the Future
exclusive features
digitalize the Panchayat Administration and Management system
Enables Top to Bottom Transparency and Accountability
Tax Management System
Property/House Tax Management System with more transparency
Geo Tag
Geo Tag & Digital Door Number to all the Houses/Assets in the Panchayat
Citizen Database
A Citizen Database to Identify True GOVT Scheme beneficiaries
Tax Invoice and Receipt
Digitalized Tax Invoice & Receipt with Digital notifications like SMS, email & Wahtsapp